Thursday, December 15, 2011

Classification Challenge

Kingdom - Animalia (means it’s an animal)
Phylum Chordata (means it has a backbone)
Class - Mammalia (means nurses its young)
Order Reptilia (sounds like reptile! )
Family - Chelonioidea 
Genus Testudines Most scientists recognize seven species and one subspecies of sea turtles)

My Animal is similar to the ones in my group because they all are in the animalia kingdom. And they also all have the mammalia class. That is all that is similar about are animals.

Facts about sea turtles:
Sea turtles are large, air-breathing reptiles that inhabit tropical and subtropical seas throughout the world.Only females come ashore to nest; males rarely return to land after crawling into the sea as hatchlings. Most females return to nest on the beach where they were born (natal beach). Nesting seasons occur at different times around the world. In the U.S., nesting occurs from April through October. Most females nest at least twice during each mating season; some may nest up to ten times in a season. A female will not nest in consecutive years, typically skipping one or two years before returning.They grow slowly and take between 15 and 50 years to reach reproductive maturity, depending on the species.It is theorized that they spend their earliest, most vulnerable years floating around the sea in giant beds of sargasso weeds, where they do little more than eat and grow.sea turtles eat seagrass and algae. They are mainly carnivorous as babies they will eat fish and adapt a more herbivorous diet as they age


  1. I like the picture that you chose. its awsome.

  2. I like the picture you put of the turtle because, it is very relevant to what you wrote about.
