Friday, October 21, 2011


This week in science..

What we learned how to set up are plant investigations. We also learned about the high school science investigation rubric. And also learned how to make are graphing data,make are driving questions, and procedures.

What we did this week in science was work in groups. We took plant measurements. We also made procedures for peanut butter and jelly.  And did a graph to make us know what are plant graphs need to look like.

Friday, October 14, 2011

This week in science #2

What I DID:  In science this week i planted some seeds. We learned about independent & dependent variables . We made are own questions using dependent & independent variables. We also got use poppers and had time to play with them before testing them out. We also got to work in groups.  And thats all we did this week in science.

What I LEARNED: This week i science i have learned how to do many simple things. I learned that i have to include how a dependent variable affects an independent variable,  In a plant investigation question. I also have learned about a new plant called brassica rapa. And i learned that changing one dependent variable can change the whole outcome of an experiment.



Brassica Rapa