Tuesday, March 27, 2012

TMIS. #10

This month in science what we did was make human impact campaign . We broke into four groups for energy, water,waste, and transportation. My group of energy did a list of question to do with energy. We tested different things that use up energy. Those questions were put on a survey that we would use to ask people out in the community of lower manhattan . We used the data from the survey to make graph of the information.  We started coming up with slogans for are campaign. We came up with the phrase "Save Energy, Save the Wold".  The last thing we did was come up with a t-shirt design which was a power outlet catching on fire and crying. We used it as a intresting way to catch attention to over usage of energy.

This month in science what I learned was the difference between qualitative questions and quantitative questions. While testing items like an alarm clock, curling iron , blow dryer,  pencil shaper,  phone charger , I learned that the alarm cock uses the most energy. When I went out to survey people in the community I learned that not most people claim to be very conservative of the energy they use in their household. And I also learned how to graph and organize data in a google doc. And when we made the slogans I learned we could do two types of one that will make the people aware of are human impact topic and one to get attention to it.

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